Voicesof Pride Meet Lorena Pantano

Voices of Pride: Meet Lorena Pantano

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Voices of Pride: Meet Lorena Pantano

This month, we are amplifying the voices of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies, talking about their career journey and what Pride Month means to them.

'I graduated from Biochemistry in Granda in 2015 and finished my PhD in computational biology in 2011 in Barcelona. I have spent half of my career in academia, the majority of those years at the Bioinformatics Core at the Harvard School of Public Health. I transitioned to the industry after that and started to lead the target discovery platform on biotechs. My experience is mainly in the study of gene regulation and genomic variations from high-though put data.

Pride for me is being yourself and feeling safe and happy about it. It is to be around people who love you for that. Probably everybody wants to hide something they feel scared to share, so I believe anybody can resonate with the 'Pride' word that we all say during the month of June. Pride will make you feel free and will help you start to live the life you deserve.'

#VoicesofPride #PrideMonth2021